Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Summer-inspired healthy habits

There’s no better time than the summer to make a renewed commitment to getting healthy. The long days, the blue skies, the warm evenings… all provide ample opportunity to build in healthy habits that are so much fun you barely notice they’re good for you.

Here’s a small sample of some healthy habits that I’ve been playing with the last couple of months. Try them out and let me know if you have some to add!

  • Early morning yoga, outside in your backyard or patio. You don’t have to be a full-fledged yogi to do some nice morning stretches. Dust off that yoga mat, take it outside at the crack of dawn, and do some sun salutations.
  • Long evening walks. Explore your neighborhood. Take the dog out. If you don’t have a dog, take your cat. Or your spouse/child/boyfriend/girlfriend/next-door-neighbor/coworker. Or even just yourself. It’s a great opportunity to turn off the TV and move your body.
  • Get to know your farmer’s market. Dedicate a weekend morning to explore what’s growing in your area. Pick a fruit or vegetable you’ve never tried before, ask the farmer how to prepare it, and try it out! You’ll be surprised at what you come up with. (That’s how I learned about Kohlrabi – a vegetable I couldn’t even pronounce, let alone prepare, until a month ago.)
  • Spice up your water. Summer’s a time when it’s more important than ever to pay attention to your water intake. Add a few slices of cucumber, some fresh mint, or a slice of grapefruit, orange, lemon or lime to make water a little less ordinary.
  • Get out of the gym. Gym’s are obviously great places to exercise, especially in those deep dark months of winter. But on glorious sunny summer days, consider moving your gym workout outdoors. Dig your old Frisbee out of the far recesses of the hall closet. Exercise can double as play time, and vice versa.
  • Take the family for a hike. Pack up a picnic, bring lots of water, and head into the hills. In most cities you don’t have to go far to find some beautiful outdoor spaces to explore.


  1. Love it. Hmmmm... I think I do all of those things. In fact I gotta go walk my dog right now!

    love Deb

  2. Inspired by the natural creativity of children, and their habits of exercise is play time!

    We notice that animals stretch each morning. We humans sure don't, so your suggestion is a very good and natural one. Animals have a thing or two to teach us!
    Great ideas Margaret! Thanks! Good ideas with the water at home too! I see these water dispensers at hotels all the time with cucumber, lemon, etc, and it is a good idea to keep the ideas alive at home!
    Pete G

  3. Deb - you're so on it! I should just write a post about a day in your life. It's inspiring.

    And speaking of inspiration, pete, i agree whole-heartedly about the natural creativity of children, and also our natural animal instincts... in the most basic of senses! We let our busy-ness get in the way of what comes so naturally and instinctively. Time to tap into what we know already.

    Thanks for your great comments!
